"Giessen Anonymous" a German
cleric/layman from Mainz?
Letter to an unknown person
"Serenitati vestre"
Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek
1105, fol. 59ra-60va
Stephan Kuttner and Antonio García
y García, "A New Eyewitness Account of the Fourth Lateran
Council," Traditio 20 (1964) 115-178 at 124

die igitur beati Martini inchoatum est concilium. Dominus papa apud
Lateranum in ecclesia Salvatoris que Constantiniana dicitur summo diluculo,
intromissis solummodo cardinalibus, archiepiscopis et episcopis, eodem die
missam inprimis celebravit.
The council
began on the feast of Saint Martin (11 November, 1215). At the break
of dawn, the Lord Pope celebrated mass at the Lateran in the Church of Our
Savior, which is called the Constantinian. Only the cardinals,
archbishops, and bishops were present. |